How long will you continue to please others, but not yourself?
This life is yours. It's your one shot to live, love, and follow your heart and dreams. Someone will always judge you; someone will always say, "You can't do that." These are some of the hardest things to overcome...what other people think of you. Their negativity can greatly impact your decisions and discourage you from going after the things you want. Isn't it time to throw up your hands and say, "I really don't care what you think of me"? It is. So, do it. Live your life how you want to live it. If your heart and passion is in it, do what makes you happy and what you love. It doesn't matter if they don't understand, if they say "You can't", or if they criticize you. None of that really matters. What matters is you. You hold the key to your own future, not them. Love yourself, have confidence in your abilities, be a little bit selfish, and never, ever give up.
Don't hate your journey.
Maybe at this point, in this small speck of time, the intermission you're experiencing isn't exactly where you want to be. But, think of all of the good things that have happened along your path so far. You've suffered through conflict before, you've been unhappy with the way things were going, but you've risen above it, made the best of it, and eventually you were rewarded for your patience and faith. It will undoubtedly happen again. It's the viscous cycle of life. You win some, you lose some; some days you're the pigeon while other days, you're the statue. You must keep plodding along to find out where this journey through life is taking you. You'll look back on this time in your life, while you're sipping a margarita with your toes in the sand, and think, "huh...well, that sucked, but it didn't kill me. What else ya got?" © RC Woods and 2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to RC Woods and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Picture compliments of No copyright infringement intended |