It might've taken me a while
to finally decide to love you. First, you had to prove your devotion. I needed to learn and experience all of the things you could do for me. I needed to test you. I needed proof. I'm sure it didn't take long. And, when I finally decided you were worth loving, I loved you with all of my heart, and never stopped. I will never stop. Strong and protective, you were a force to be reckoned with where I was concerned. You taught me a lot of things about life; sacrifice, discipline, and responsibility. But mostly, love. There were times when I was pretty sure you were wrong about everything. Yet, after the smoke cleared...I found you were right all along. Back then it was hard to admit, but I'm older, and it's much easier now. I know you think I don't need you like I did then, but nothing could be farther from the truth. I will always need you. You are my hero. I love you, Dad.
Not snow flakes, or corn flakes...I'm talking about people flakes. The kind of people who are unreliable and can't hold a commitment, even if it's their own idea. They'll promise you the stars and you'll end up with a handful of...well, you know what your hand is full of: it's wet, warm, and doesn't smell all that terrific.
So, what's the worse thing about flakes? Getting snowed over by a flake. (Oh look, a snowed-flake!) Seriously though, when you don't know a flake well, you're liable to believe anything they tell you. BUZZZZZZZZ! Stupid mistake! Never, never, ever put great expectations in someone you just met, a friend of a friend of a friend, or your Uncle's cousin's best friend's, mother-in-law by marriage's, twice-divorced adopted step-son. Flakes are undependable regardless of whether you know them well or not. At least if you do have the privilege of knowing one personally, you already expect this type of behavior so it isn't a real big shocker. (If you're shocked, shame on you, you should know better!) When you put a flake on the spot, it's an interesting event. They will struggle with excuse after excuse as to why they let you down, or why they failed to carry though with what they committed to. And once again, the meaningless promises spew forth. You've got to tug on those hip waders to keep your clothes clean and dry. But by this time, you're smart enough to thrust your hands deep down into your pockets to keep them from filling up with that same funky, rank stuff that you're wading through. The moral of the story is....Don't be a flake. When you make a commitment, stick with it, even if it sucks out loud and so bad you can't possibly figure out what, on God's green earth, you were thinking. Your 'word' defines you. If people can't trust your 'word', you shouldn't expect an ounce of respect from anyone....except maybe idiots. Idiots might still respect you. © RC Woods and 2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to RC Woods and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Lately, I find myself a bit nostalgic and more than just a little bit curious about the origins of The Soul and the connections existing between all of us. Souls aren't the same thing as our minds, or our hearts, or even our spirits, but instead, the immortal part of our physical person.
We are all Souls, our bodies serving only as the shell in which we reside. Do soul mates exist? Is there really one person, somewhere out there in the universe who you can connect with on some higher level? Depends on what you believe. Souls who find a connection are from the same 'soul groups'. One article that I read used the body as an example. "If we’re all cells in the Body of Humanity, we’re all ultimately connected with each other the same way a liver cell is ultimately connected with a heart cell. But if you’re a heart cell, for example, you’ll find yourself resonating more closely with other heart cells." ( In a nutshell, it basically means that before you incarnate (become flesh) you, and your fellow soul buddies are already destined to be drawn to one another because you come from the same 'soul group'. Another site mentioned that before we incarnate, we make 'appointments' with other souls who will greatly impact our lives in some way or another. They might come to us in the form of long-term relationships, a person who teaches us a life altering lesson, or possibly someone who awakens the passions within us. These connections might be even as brief as only a few minutes in time, but enough to leave a lasting impression in our lives. These 'appointments' are all predetermined. Some say there is only one soul mate for each soul; our other half is hovering somewhere out there in the world, waiting. Neither time nor space will keep you and your soul mate apart; existing relationships will seem insignificant compared to the deep connection experienced with this soul - the other half that makes you whole. There are many points of views out there about soul connections and soul mates. Personally, I believe we meet the people who we are destined to meet; all of us connected by an invisible thread, each of us serving a purpose in someone's life. I've felt strong connections to people; I've felt love, appreciation, and admiration - feelings far beyond the physical aspects of such emotions. There have been people I've met along my journey who have touched me in ways I will never forget; whether by actions or by words. Am I to believe these people are those souls I've made my previous 'appointments' with? Maybe. |